Lunes, Hulyo 28, 2014

Samal's Pride: Pearl Farm Beach Resort

Pearl Farm Beach Resort in Samal Island, Davao del Norte is a wonderland that you shouldn’t miss during your trip in Davao City. Its iconic three-layered hut called “Parola” together with the long stretch of its grandiose Maranao themed huts looks spectacular from afar. The resort’s exceptionally artistic theme is a product of the creative mind of the renowned architect Francisco MaƱosa. A visit here gives you not just one but seven white sand beaches to enjoy.
Pearl Farm Beach Resort has an exclusive wharf in Davao City with ferries going to their Samal Island resort. This wharf has a reception area which looks like a small hotel which has its own swimming pool and souvenir shop.

Siargao Island adventures

This place is another surfers dream. The place offers you waves that can curl up to 12 feet high. Aside from the waves, the place also has beaches that still remains unspoiled by urban lifestyle. the Surfing Capital of the Philippines, boasts of world-class surf waves, From heavy barrels to easy beginners spots. The most popular break, known as “Cloud 9” is located in the town of General Luna where the annual international surfing competition is held in September for men and May for women.

Siargao, located in the province of Surigao del Norte, is renowned for its curling waves that soar from nine to twelve feet high. It is frequented by surfers from all over the world. Besides surfing, the island of Siargao is well-known for its unspoiled beaches and its rural charm.
 Siargao Island is one of the islands of the province of Surigao del Norte, 800 km away from Manila. It is proximate to the Philippine Deep, which is 10,700 meters below sea level, considered the deepest part of the trench And the second deepest abyss in the world.

Siargao is generally a safe place to go in vacation. It’s (like most of the Philippine) considered Malaria free. Dengue instead, even though very very rare, can be present during the wet season. Rage disease could be present even if it ‘s sevaral years there are no reported cases, be careful of dogs and bats. Do not drink tap water even if locals do so.
The thing you have to be more careful about is reef cuts. They get infected very easy. Always disinfect well the wound.

 Locals in Siargao are amazing, actually almost too much gentle. Normally always smiling and friendly. But do not try to drop them in or snake on them, they will keep you on your toes… Many fight happened with undisciplined foreigner  try take advantage of the locals kindness. Just respect the ocean rules and the locals.
Sometimes crowd in Siargao can be a concern (not like Bali of course). Cloud 9 (the most crowded always…) Rock Island, Stimpies and Dako could be quite crowded. But there are many many other spots with virtually no to low crowd pressure… Just use your exploration spirit and don’t go surf to the most accessible surf spot and you will find the waves of your lift. Or hire a local surf guide he will know where to bring you.

The Naked Island of Camiguin

Camiguin, an island province off the coast of northern Mindanao, is home to at least four volcanoes. Remnants of recent eruptions can be easily observed throughout the island - from the black sand beaches that encircle its rounded coast, to a number of jagged volcanic outcrops which dominate its peaks. But things seem to be at peace when I started walking outside Benoni Port looking for a jeepney to Mambajao, the capital town. Locals love to smile and many perform sign of the cross whenever the passenger jeepney pass by churches; it must be an island bounded by faith.

The palce has been known to be one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines because it still seems like a paradise. Some people even consider the palce the “Garden of Eden” in the country. Camiguin has a great topography that includes waterfalls, and the hot and cold springs. The place will be mesmerizing and will definitely tempt you to go back.

Unwinding at Dakak beach in Zamboanga

This renowned Dakak Beach front is usually quite a few regarded because of its stunning shaped fresh in addition to powdery light mud, and since virtually any going Mecca together to Mindanao. Excellent fruit wealthy oceans, large chuck themselves internet sites in conjunction with good higher level of barrier reefs, and a good sundown scope defines this type of warm Eden.
Dakak Park your automobile in addition to Beach resort functions 15 hectares associated with wooded area, the all-natural tank regarding community services in addition to domestic pets, and a 750-meter exceptional white-sand coastline.
On the sign associated with Northern Zamboanga, Dakak faces this Sulu Ocean in the western world and is particularly encased simply by slopes inside it can be distance spot. Dakak respectfully eliminates this typhoon belt, making it the best all-season holiday spot.
Zamboanga Del Norte right now is usually either renowned regarding Dakak Beach front, this province’s main 100 % pure captivation. Excellent fruit wealthy oceans, large chuck themselves internet sites using a cash associated with barrier reefs, and an outstanding sundown horizon separates this type of warm Eden.
In Dipolog and that is regarding 2hour occasion simply by venting through Manila, you could experience the elegance associated with Dakak to select from out and about barrier reefs while you technical scuba diving chuck themselves together with fantastic really clear wealthy oceans. What’s more, this option that comes with good light mud in addition to encased simply by glamorous blooms in addition to coconut hands.
Diving scuba together with Dakak is actually very best of the several weeks associated with the March until eventually Sept.
Dakak chuck themselves internet sites inside coastline hotel offer you a variety of surroundings through intensifying slopes to barrier thickets, top for you to underside areas in addition to caves. Ship existing is usually reported.

Matabungkay Beach Resort

Been theredone that“, is probably a statement you wouldn’t hear from seasoned travelers. A real traveler looks at a destination with a different perspective with less expectation and they pretty much look for an entirely different experience. When exploring new paths, I seek for something new to learn by talking to locals to know more about their culture and help me re-discover the destinations old glory.
Much like food, a better way to appreciate it is to know its basic recipe and know how an heirloom recipe was passed on from one generation to another.
Set against a backdrop of the beautiful exclusive Beach that is away from beach vendors, Matabungkay Beach Hotel is a unique tropical haven, offering a wide range of fun and leisure facilities. The perfect blend of 3 star resort amenities with the extraordinary beauty of the natural garden landscape covered by century old trees, together with friendly and famous filipino hospitality, ensure that the Matabungkay Beach Hotel experience really is a sensational indulgence.

White Beach of Puerto Galera

Puerto Galera is a soothing vision of shimmering seas surrounded by lush mountains. It is considered one of the most beautiful and developed beach resort community in the country.
Starting from "backyard tourism" wherein local residents accept local and foreign tourist as stay-in guest, the island’s tourism has flourished. In the course of time, several hotels, resorts, inns and restaurants have mushroomed within the area.

There are a thousand things one can do here. Landlubbers can pitch tents, light bonfires, play volleyball, toss a Frisbee, go beach-hopping, watch the sunset, gaze at the stars, hike, go rock climbing, carom off on a motorcycle, discover Oriental Mindoro’s other tourist spots or simply live it up.
But water is certainly the main attraction of the island. Crystal clear and shimmering especially during the hot summer months, the sea framing Puerto Galera is ideal for swimming, sailing, surfing, snorkeling and scuba diving. In fact one doesn’t have to go by boat to get to a dive site. Within a kilometer from the coast, schools of Moorish idols, trumpet fish, frog fish, lion fish and leaf fish weave in and out of thriving corals and sea anemones while species of starfish – from the speckled red-and-white to the neon-blue Pacific – rest on the sandy floor.

Caramoan Escapade

The Caramoan Peninsula is the northernmost part of the province of Camarines Sur in the Bicol Region. It is one of the famous tourist destinations in the Philippines which is noted by its several islands that are an escape from the urban lifestyle as it is far away from the buzzing city. The islands are located at the edge of the Pacific Ocean and each of the island has its own beauty and characteristic which would surely amaze beach bums, island hoppers, and even trekkers. This article features great things to do in the Caramoan and how to get to this town.

The Caramoan peninsula is mountainous while the Caramoan town is only a small portion of the peninsula itself that is located on a valley between these mountains. North of the town are 10 major islets that make the town a center of tourism as the islands are noted for its serenity and far from urbanization.

Subic Tourism

Originally from the term “Hubek”, which was later on Americanized to its name today, Subic is known to be a top playground for sports and extreme adventures. Caressing the sublime Subic Bay, this is a place where visitors can go parasailing, yachting, kayaking, scuba diving and jet-skiing while still being able to go trekking, camping, go-kart racing and horseback riding. All these exciting activities allow Subic visitors to experience great adventures both in water and on land.
Subic is also popularly known for its culture and cuisine with coffee shops and popular restaurants such as Xtremely Xpresso, Gerry’s Grill, Meat Plus and A Tavola. However, your Subic adventure doesn’t end when the sun sets. A Subic trip is definitely not complete without sampling the nightlife filled with great food, live bands and a lot of partying. Since Subic is but a short 2-hour drive from Metro Manila, it has become a favorite weekend getaway of those living in the city.
But Subic is much more than an easy weekend escape. Surprisingly, the place has a lot of history. It was once the location of the American Naval Base. The area has always been eyed as a naval port since the Spanish colonization. During the American control, the bay was converted into a repair station during the events of World War II. After the war, Subic was returned to the Philippines and converted into a free port and commercial zone.
Today, Subic is filled with both modern conveniences and wild nature. With paved winding roads that lead to the ancient forest just beside the abandoned American barracks, Subic is certainly a site to behold. Finding accommodations won’t be a problem since lodgings can be just right for a backpacker’s budget and can be perfect for those who want to splurge. With Subic being a huge playground of eco-wilderness, industrial parks, great resorts and a glorious beach all together, visitors are in for one memorable trip.

Unspoiled paradise on Earth: El Nido Palawan

To say that the tropical paradise that is El Nido, Philippines is spectacularly beautiful would be scratching the surface. Characteristic of the country's final frontier Palawan, El Nido has numerous limestone karts islands with white, sandy beaches, surrounded by pristine turquoise waters and rich coral reefs. It is personally one of the most beautiful places I have seen, not just in the Philippines but in Asia. There were several travel highlights in my week-long trip to El Nido, Philippines, including seeing the iconic picture of paradise, the Big Lagoon, and climbing to a viewing deck above Matinloc Island to see the calm waters of Tapiutan Strait.
El Nido, Philippines is spectacularly beautiful largely because it remains remote. For most people, the only way to access it is via Palawan's capital Puerto Princesa, which has its own domestic airport. El Nido has an airport, too, but only (expensive) charter flights use it. The town of El Nido itself is small, comprised only by a few housing blocks on the shores of Bacuit Bay. Tourism here only caters to a small number of independent backpackers and an even smaller number of high-end luxury travelers.

All these make El Nido, Philippines a bit tricky to travel to. Thankfully, there are a number of great resources online, especially from Pinoy travel blogs, about traveling to El Nido. Here is a guide to traveling to El Nido, Philippines based on my own experience with links on the great online resources I found.

Boracay: The Ultimate Tropical Island

Boracay is a tiny island in the Visayas region of the central Philippines. As the most popular travel destination in the Philippines, it’s far from undiscovered — the island absolutely teems with tourists, especially Filipinos, Koreans, and Chinese.
White Beach is the main hub of the island, stretching along the west coast, and it’s often cited as one of the world’s best beaches. And with a beach path running parallel to the shore, you could spend your whole stay on Boracay on sand — I know I nearly did!
White Beach is divided into three sections named after the former boat stations: Station 1, furthest north, is home to luxury resorts. Station 2, in the middle, is a huge commercial hub and home to tons of shops, restaurants, and hotels, as well as DMall, a massive shopping complex.
Station 3, furthest south, is much quieter and more relaxed. Just south of Station 3 is Angol, an even more chilled out neighborhood. Some people say that Angol is the only remnant of the “Old Boracay” before it got so developed.
There are a few other beaches — Bulabog Beach in the east is popular with the kitesurfing/windsurfing crowd in high season, and secluded Puka Beach in the north is a big day trip destination.
As for me, I loved the Station 3/Angol region and spent the bulk of my time there, but would often head up to Station 2 for dinner and drinks.